
Saturday May 28, 2016
Episode 81 – Cinematic Plays
Saturday May 28, 2016
Saturday May 28, 2016
Cinematic Plays
Recorded at Metatopia 2015
Presented by Will Hindmarch
What are cinematic game mechanics? What makes a game cinematic and what do we call it when a game is not cinematic? In this presentation, writer/designer Will Hindmarch examines the languages of film and what we can borrow from cinema when we make our games, our adventures, and our plays at the table.
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Saturday May 14, 2016
Episode 80 – Game Distribution
Saturday May 14, 2016
Saturday May 14, 2016
Game Distribution
Recorded at Metatopia 2015
Presented by Brian Dalrymple and Darren Watts
An overview of the 3-tier system (Publisher to Distributor to Retailer), following the course of a game after production (solicitation to wholesalers, trade shows and open houses, discount structures, buying patterns and reorder cycles, the preorder system, flooring, and more…), and covering how stores discover, order, stock, and merchandise, as they try to put them in customers’ hands. Viable alternatives to the 3-tier system are also discussed.
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Saturday Apr 30, 2016
Episode 79 – Agile Design and Publishing
Saturday Apr 30, 2016
Saturday Apr 30, 2016
Agile Design and Publishing
Recorded at Metatopia 2015
Presented by Rob Donoghue and Emily Dresner
Join our panelists for a discussion of how nerdy business concepts such as Agile software development to can be applied to your gaming experience. Key concepts of agile software design include rapid and flexible response to change – let’s talk about how to apply them to running games.
More about Agile from Rob over on his site, at this blog post!
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Saturday Apr 16, 2016
Episode 78 – Creativity In Business
Saturday Apr 16, 2016
Saturday Apr 16, 2016
Creativity In Business: Pixar’s Success and Lessons For Tabletop Publishing
Recorded at Metatopia 2015
Presented by Jeff Tidball, Cam Banks
Managing a company of creative people can be challenging. New ideas are always being introduced into structured spaces that resist change and fear innovation and imagination. Tabletop game publishers and managers can learn from the success of Pixar, Inc, who have mastered the art of ushering in and protecting the new, releasing their employees from common limits on creativity, and not being afraid to try things in often radically different ways to create bigger and better projects
As a fine example of creativity in business, the kickstarter for Unknown Armies 3rd Edition is currently up. Dig into the occult weirdness from Atlas Games!
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Thursday Mar 31, 2016
Episode 77 – Project Budgeting For Tabletop Games
Thursday Mar 31, 2016
Thursday Mar 31, 2016
Project Budgeting For Tabletop Games
Recorded at Metatopia 2015
Presented by Jeff Tidball, Cat Tobin & Justin Jacobson
The process of producing a board game, card game, or role playing game is lousy, with opportunities for financial disaster. Learn what financial factors you should take into account when planning a game production, and walk through a spreadsheet that’ll help you plan your own projects by estimating their profitability (or lack thereof).
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Wednesday Mar 16, 2016
Episode 76 – Formalizing Your Game Business
Wednesday Mar 16, 2016
Wednesday Mar 16, 2016
Formalizing Your Game Business
Recorded at Metatopia 2015
Presented by Fred Hicks, Steve Segedy, Darren Watts and Brennan Taylor
Is your company ready to take the next step? We’ll discuss how to turn a tiny game company into a slightly-larger game company.
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Saturday Mar 05, 2016
Episode 75 – Matters Of Scale
Saturday Mar 05, 2016
Saturday Mar 05, 2016
Matters Of Scale: Running A Small Gaming Business
Recorded at Metatopia 2015
Presented by Fred Hicks, Rob Donoghue and Steve Segedy
Game publishing is a very different beast depending on how new you are to the industry and how much reach you and your game might have. Small press and independent creators will find that which printers, distributors and fulfillment channels they might use varies wildly depending on their goals and how much risk they’re willing to take.
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Saturday Feb 06, 2016
Episode 74 – Genius Loci
Saturday Feb 06, 2016
Saturday Feb 06, 2016
Genius Loci: Your Setting is the Character
Recorded at Metatopia 2014
Presented by Will Hindmarch
Places, rather than protagonists, are often what RPG campaigns have in common because the characters are bespoke but the setting is shared. How does your game’s space inform its setting – and vice versa? How does setting pose and reflect theme? Settings can be characters in their own right, tuned and portrayed through your design to dramatize the themes and issues at the heart of your game. In this seminar, I’ll share some of what I set out to do and some of what I’ve learned designing Project: Dark and its play spaces.
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Monday Jan 18, 2016
Episode 73 – Opacity and Transparency
Monday Jan 18, 2016
Monday Jan 18, 2016
Opacity, Transparency, and Player Incentives in Your Strategy Board Game
Recorded at Metatopia 2014
Presented by Gil Hova
Do people understand what’s going on in your game? Not just the rules, but can they tell who’s winning? If they should watch out for a dangerous player? If they know exactly how their move will impact their next few turns? Join designer Gil Hova as he discusses transparency and opacity in strategy board games. We will discuss what makes a game mechanism transparent or opaque, how they work (or fail) in existing games, and how to use them to incentivize players to make interesting plays.
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Saturday Dec 05, 2015
Episode 72 – Lovecraft WTF
Saturday Dec 05, 2015
Saturday Dec 05, 2015
Lovecraft WTF
Recorded at Metatopia 2014
Presented by Julia Ellingboe, Kenneth Hite, Darren Watts & Bill White.
H. P. Lovecraft is one of the grandfathers of weird fiction and horror. His racist and anti-Semitic beliefs are no secret. They are the foundation of his fictional worlds. They are interwoven throughout his work and for many readers, impossible to separate from the genius of his writing. Can a Lovecraft-inspired game make his work more accessible? It’s okay to like problematic things. This panel will be neither an attack nor a defense of Lovecraft’s work. In a broad sense, it will be a conversation about how designers might interpret or use source material with themes or images that are problematic.
Apologies for sound quality issues.
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Saturday Nov 28, 2015
Episode 71 – Explicit vs Role-Based Knowledge
Saturday Nov 28, 2015
Saturday Nov 28, 2015
Explicit vs Role-Based Knowledge
Recorded at Metatopia 2014
Presented by Clark Valentine, Shane Harsch and Evan Torner.
This seminar poses the question of whether it is possible to support a detailed, knowledge-rich environment for an RPG without creating a situation where the character that should know how to do something actually does not. Where is the balance between detail and role?
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Sunday Nov 22, 2015
Episode 70 – Editing Rulebooks
Sunday Nov 22, 2015
Sunday Nov 22, 2015
Editing Rulebooks
Recorded at Metatopia 2014
Presented by Joshua Yearsley.
Your rulebook is the heart of your game, so why not give it the love it deserves? In this seminar, you’ll learn ten best practices for improving the structure, style, and clarity of your rulebook. Got any burning questions about rules craft? Get answers from a professional rulebook editor.
Additional references and a copy of the presentation is available at http://joshuayearsley.com/case/ten-things-you-can-do-to-make-your-rulebook-awesome/
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Saturday Nov 14, 2015
Episode 69 – Social Media
Saturday Nov 14, 2015
Saturday Nov 14, 2015
Social Media Action Steps
Recorded at Metatopia 2014
Presented by Beth Rimmels.
Social media is a crucial marketing step, especially for new and small businesses. Even better, it can cost you little to nothing, but can be confusing or overwhelming. This panel will explain what’s essential, where to start (and on which social media channel), free and low-cost tools that will make your life easier, and how to grow an audience organically.
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Tuesday Oct 13, 2015
Episode 68 – Smart Crowdfunding Campaigns
Tuesday Oct 13, 2015
Tuesday Oct 13, 2015
Executing a Smart Crowdfunding Campaign
Recorded at Metatopia 2014
Presented by Fred Hicks, Joshua A. C. Newman & Hannah Shaffer
How do you plan your crowdfunding campaign? How done do you need to be before you open? How do you engage your community? How do you plan for all possible outcomes? Joshua A.C. Newman (Mobile Frame Zero: Rapid Attack and Shock: Social Science Fiction), Fred Hicks (Fate Core, Designers & Dragons, and more), and Hannah Shaffer (Questlandia) share their experiences and then ditch out on their planned talk to address your questions once they realize they can’t afford shipping.
Special Kickstarter Mentions
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Saturday Sep 12, 2015
Episode 67 – Information Organization in Roleplaying Games
Saturday Sep 12, 2015
Saturday Sep 12, 2015
The Best Practices for Information Organization in Tabletop RPGs
Recorded at Metatopia 2014
Presented by Brennan Taylor, Matt Wilson, Meredith Reitman, Krista White & John Stavropolous
Tabletop RPGs serve as both a “let’s play!” and a reference document. RPGs designers and writers often attend to one of these goals at the expense of the other. Come to this panel to learn about professional theories of information organization, best practices for making the important information in your games findable and learn lessons from experienced game designers who have made information organization innovations and mistakes in their own games.
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Saturday Aug 29, 2015
Episode 66 – Learn RPG Design Redux
Saturday Aug 29, 2015
Saturday Aug 29, 2015
Learn RPG Design Redux
Recorded at Gencon 2015
Presented by Jason Pitre, Caleb Stokes and Andreas Walters
This panel, sponsored by the Indie Game Developer Network is a fresh new exploration of how to start roleplaying game design by focussing on mission statements, the important questions of game design, and other gems. Also an absurd number of references to games including, but not limited to: Inspectres, Headspace, Dog Eat Dog, Paranoia, Fiasco and Apocalypse World.
There is a reference to cards with links to a ton of resources? All of that treasure-trove is available over here.
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Saturday Aug 15, 2015
Episode 65 – Women in Game Design
Saturday Aug 15, 2015
Saturday Aug 15, 2015
Women in Game Design: Building Networks and Forming Mentorships
Recorded at Metatopia 2014
Presented by Emily Care-Boss, Julia Ellingboe, Shoshana Kessock, Amanda Valentine & Avonelle Wing.
The “gaming industry” has been a brutal place to be a woman this year. Join our esteemed panelists for a conversation about the need for strong support networks and finding mentors in a turbulent and sometimes hostile industry.
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Saturday Aug 08, 2015
Episode 64 – Dramatic Editing
Saturday Aug 08, 2015
Saturday Aug 08, 2015
Dramatic Editing : Creating the Editing Bay
Recorded at Metatopia 2014
Presented by Will Hindmarch
How does your design facilitate dramatic editing at the game table? Do you have strict mechanisms that put editing into the hands of the players or their characters through overt metaphors or in-setting magic? Or do you provide procedures and guidelines for collaborating and revising action during play? Dramatic editing at the table allows for players to propose and explore actions without them necessarily making it “on stage” or committing it to “film” and that can be a messy freedom or a beautiful drudge. Let’s look at ways to facilitate what you want to happen at the table.
Note that the sound quality is lousy in the first minute of audio, but it gets much better after that point.
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Saturday Aug 01, 2015
Episode 63 – Gaming with and Designing For Young Players
Saturday Aug 01, 2015
Saturday Aug 01, 2015
Gaming With, and Designing For, Young Players
Recorded at Metatopia 2014
Presented by Cam Banks, Lisa Bowman-Steenson, Clark Valentine, Amanda Valentine & Brennan Taylor.
Young players can present unique challenges to game designers and adults at the table. Attention spans, play styles, system mastery, and age appropriate subject matter can vary a great deal. Be part of a discussion about making and running games that work for young players.
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Saturday Jul 25, 2015
Episode 62 – Bisociation, Mashups, the Uncanny, and the Weird
Saturday Jul 25, 2015
Saturday Jul 25, 2015
Bisociation, Mashups, the Uncanny, and the Weird
Recorded at Metatopia 2014
Presented by Kenneth Hite.
“Bisociation, Mashups, the Uncanny, and the Weird: Toward an Aesthetic of Setting Bricolage” presented by Kenneth Hite. A dictionary may have been involved.
In an age where “everything is mashup”, what makes a game setting more than the sum of its parts? Both the modern “uncanny” and the postmodern “slipstream” depend on subverting or deranging expectations, but how can you get good play without something to play off of? Do Koestler’s “bisociation” or Lovecraft’s “truly weird” help us out or derail us? Designer Kenneth Hite (NIGHT’S BLACK AGENTS, DAY AFTER RAGNAROK) isn’t sure yet, which is why he asks you to join him and think out loud on these topics.
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Saturday Jul 11, 2015
Episode 61 – Coming Up in the Indies: From Newcomer to Company Owner
Saturday Jul 11, 2015
Saturday Jul 11, 2015
Coming Up in the Indies: From Newcomer to Company Owner
Recorded at Metatopia 2014
Presented by Fred Hicks, Shoshana Kessock and Tim Rodriguez.
This panel will be a discussion between newer and more established company owners with success stories in the indie RPG world. They are ready to share their insight and tips about becoming part of the publishing world.
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Saturday Jul 04, 2015
Episode 60 – Accessibility and Disability
Saturday Jul 04, 2015
Saturday Jul 04, 2015
Accessibility and Disability
Recorded at Metatopia 2014
Presented by Russell Collins, Elsa Henry, and Shoshana Kessock.
The final frontier of game design seems to be accommodating for those who are differently-abled. Designers of games who have a background with being differently-abled will discuss how to design to be more inclusive in this manner. We’ll discuss the foibles, pitfalls and issues associated with designing games that are not accessible.
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Saturday Jun 27, 2015
Episode 59 – Style Guides are your Friend
Saturday Jun 27, 2015
Saturday Jun 27, 2015
Style Guides are your Friend
Recorded at Metatopia 2014
Presented by Amanda Valentine and John Adamus
Style guides are one of the indispensable tools an editor uses to help make your project the best it can be. Learn more about them and the other must-have tools an editor uses, and find out why following the style guide can mean the difference between making “a thing” and “a game”.
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Saturday Jun 20, 2015
Episode 58 – Moving Beyond Tokenism
Saturday Jun 20, 2015
Saturday Jun 20, 2015
Gaming As Other: Moving Beyond Tokenism
Recorded at Metatopia 2014
Presented by Misha Bushyager, Julia Ellingboe, Ajit George & Mark Diaz Truman
John Stavropolous moderates as our panelists continue the discussion about the challenges faced by ethnic minorities and people of color within the hobby. In this panel, they will tackle how gaming companies, designers, conventions and communities can effectively bring greater diversity to their ranks, mentor emerging voices, and share leadership roles.

Friday Jun 12, 2015
Episode 57 – So You’re Making Your First Game
Friday Jun 12, 2015
Friday Jun 12, 2015
So You’re Making Your First Game
Recorded at Metatopia 2014
Presented by John Adamus and Mark Richardson.
Learn from a pair of first time game makers and industry professionals the perils, frustrations and strategies it takes to put together your first game from start to finish.
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