
Saturday Dec 01, 2012
Episode 6: Addressing Controversial Topics
Saturday Dec 01, 2012
Saturday Dec 01, 2012
“Addressing Controversial Topics” presented by John Stavropolous, Bill White & Brennan Taylor. Join our panelists for a discussion on handling delicate and/or controversial topics in your game design. Subjects include political correctness, sexual and romantic interactions and religion.

Saturday Nov 24, 2012
Episode 5: Editing and Organizing Game Text
Saturday Nov 24, 2012
Saturday Nov 24, 2012
“Editing and Organizing Game Text” presented by Amanda Valentine, Fred Hicks, Jason Pitre & John Adamus. Successful game text requires clarity, structure and style. Learn the secrets of this dark art at this roundtable discussion.

Saturday Nov 17, 2012
Episode 4: Care and Feeding of Artists
Saturday Nov 17, 2012
Saturday Nov 17, 2012
“The Care and Feeding of Artists” presented by Ed Bell, Jen Christiansen & Fred Hicks. You’re not an artist yourself, but your game needs art! How do you hire artists, and how do you work with them to get what you need? This special panel features Ed Bell and Jen Christiansen, two art directors from Scientific American magazine.

Thursday Nov 15, 2012
Episode 3: The Graphic Design and Layout Panel
Thursday Nov 15, 2012
Thursday Nov 15, 2012
“The Graphic Design and Layout Roundtable” presented by Hal Mangold, Nathan Paoletta & Ben Morgan. Discuss the best ways to make your game look exciting, fun, and easily readable with some of the sharpest eyes in the field

Tuesday Nov 13, 2012
Episode 2: My Dearest Failure: Games That Didn’t Work and Why
Tuesday Nov 13, 2012
Tuesday Nov 13, 2012
My Dearest Failure: Games That Didn’t Work and Why” presented by Jason Morningstar, Kenneth Hite & Rob Donoghue. Sometimes it just doesn’t work out. Join us for a discussion of games that never got made despite the best of intentions, and what lessons we can learn from the wreckage.

Sunday Nov 11, 2012
Episode 1: The Coolest Game You Never Heard Of
Sunday Nov 11, 2012
Sunday Nov 11, 2012
Episode 1 is: The Coolest Game You Never Heard Of: presented by James Ernest, Kenneth Hite, Jason Morningstar, Cam Banks, Nathan Paoletta, Brennan Taylor & Others. Join our Guests of Honor and several additional talented designers for a discussion about their favorite obscure game that influenced them. What did we learn, why do we love them, and why do they remain obscure? This discussion will address both role playing and board/card games.
Here is a partial list!
- Pitch
- Blowback (and Nights Black Agents)
- Bunnies & Burrows
- Dirty Secrets
- Inspectres
- King Arthur Pendragon
- How We Came to Live Here
- Grey Ranks!
- Summerland
- The Collectors: The Burning House
- Everway
- Dream Park
- Annalise
- Legends of Alryia
- Black Fire
- Clover
- vs. Monsters
- Ganakagok
- Primitive
- The Quiet Year
- Ribbon Drive
- Final Girl
- Unsung
- Don’t Walk in Winter Wood
- Urchin
- Roanoke
- Mutant: Undergångens Arvtagare (Mutant: The Inheritors of the Apocalypse)
- Run Robot Red
- Dark Space
- Iron Crown
- RIFTS Worldbooks (Wormwood and Phase World)
- Secrets of Ziran
- JAGS Wonderland
- Archipelago!
- Sandman: The Map of Halaal
- Dune
- Nine Worlds.
- Kagematsu
- The Whispering Vault
- Heroes of Olympus
- Weapons of the Gods
- Spellbound Kingdoms
- The Future King
- Danger Patrol
- Underground
- Timeship
- Great Ork Gods
- Gangbusters
- Boot Hill
- Dogs in the Vineyard
- Top secret
- Kult
- Puppetland
- Wild Strawberries
- Thou art but a Warrior
- Call of Cthulhu
- Over the Edge
- Fate
- Alarums and Excursions
- Delta green
- Nexus: The Infinite City
- Feng Shui
- Risus: The anything RPG
- The Warp System
- Where the Cookuu lands
- Tales from the Floating Vagabond
- 80s Ghostbusters game
- Torg
- The Morrow Project
- Super Squadron
- Goblins! (also Gurps Goblins)
- FASA Trek
- Icon
- GURPS Black Ops
- Hellboy (Gurps)
- The Coda System
- Thousand and One Nights
- Atomic Highway (and supplement for monsters - irradiated freaks)
- Gamma World
- Apocalypse world
- Car Wars
- Serial Homicide Unit
- Last Train Out of Warsaw
- Sweet Agatha
- Dungeons and Dragons
- Perfect Unrevised
- Scarlet Wake
- Waiting For The Queen
- Tea At Midnight
- Baby Wars
- The Mountain Witch
- Under the Bed
- Silver & White
- Sign in Stranger
- Legends of the Wulin
- Lacuna Part 1
- Orbit
- Moldvay
- Hunters Hunted

Sunday Nov 11, 2012
Welcome to the RPG Design Panel Podcast!
Sunday Nov 11, 2012
Sunday Nov 11, 2012