Saturday Nov 24, 2018
Episode 181 - The Shape of your Game
Saturday Nov 24, 2018
Saturday Nov 24, 2018
Recorded at Metatopia 2017
Presented by Peter Hayward.
Every game has a shape. Beginning, middle, end, turn structure, round structure, end-game condition, victory condition. Learn about common shapes, the direction that games are evolving, and how to make sure that YOUR game has an appealing and suitable shape for the modern board gamer.
Saturday Nov 17, 2018
Episode 180 - Capture the Heart: Designing Emotionally Evocative Games
Saturday Nov 17, 2018
Saturday Nov 17, 2018
Recorded at Metatopia 2017
Presented by Curt Covert.
There are may approaches to game design. Come learn about one specific style focused on stirring the emotions during play as the core design thrust. How does this design style contrast to other approaches? What is its benefit? How can you apply these principles to your own designs? Curt Covert of Smirk & Dagger / Smirk & Laughter discusses.
Saturday Nov 03, 2018
Episode 178 - Communities and Settlements in Games
Saturday Nov 03, 2018
Saturday Nov 03, 2018
Special Episode
Presented by Jason Pitre and Phil Vecchione,
In this special episode, Jason and Phil talk about communities and settlements in games. Each of us bring our respective projects to the table to discuss and explore the potential mechanics which model/support these elements of play. Phil presents Hydro Hacker Operatives, his game about heroes who steal water for their communities in a cyberpunk dystopia. Jason presents After the War , a game about building and protecting settlements on an alien world, a decade after a galactic war.
Enjoy our discussion of this exciting area of design where we discuss what communities and settlements bring to games, the stories they let us tell, and the mechanics which represent them.
Saturday Oct 06, 2018
Episode 174 - Designing the GM Section of your Game
Saturday Oct 06, 2018
Saturday Oct 06, 2018
Recorded at Metatopia 2017
Presented by Phil Vecchione, Will Hindmarch, Beth Rimmels.
Designing the "For GMs" Section of your RPG" . GMing sections of RPGs are often a collection of rules, advice, etc, but they are not always effective. In addition, there is a host of great, generic GMing advice in both blog and podcast form, that no longer needs to be included in an RPG. What can we, as game designers, do when we design the GMing section of a game to better empower GMs to run the games we are creating?
Saturday Aug 25, 2018
Episode 168 - Boardgame Themes vs Mechanisms
Saturday Aug 25, 2018
Saturday Aug 25, 2018
Recorded at Metatopia 2017
Presented by Gil Hova.
"Player in Three Persons - Studying the Theme/Mechanism Join of Board Games". "This game is so immersive!" "This theme is pasted on!" "Should designers start with theme or mechanism?" Lots of board game fans like to debate theme and mechanism. This panel is a technical deep-dive into the fascinating join of theme and mechanism of a commercial board game, and why the two don't always get along.
Saturday Apr 28, 2018
Episode 151 - Crafting the Experience at the Table
Saturday Apr 28, 2018
Saturday Apr 28, 2018
Recorded at BreakoutCon 2018
Presented by: Rachel Kahn, Mark Richardson, Daniel Kwan, Alex Roberts
Moderator: Philip Vecchione
How do maps, minis, props, tools and other tactile elements enhance or affect our tabletop RPG games? Ways to add a tempting, touchable layer to your gaming experience, whether for your home group or as a designer.
Saturday Mar 31, 2018
Episode 147 - Blood on the Table: Horror in RPGs
Saturday Mar 31, 2018
Saturday Mar 31, 2018
Recorded at BreakoutCon 2018
Presented by Sarah Richardson, Michelle Lyons-McFarland, Jaym Gates
Moderator: Brand Robbins
Jaym Gates (BLUE ROSE 2nd Ed., TIANXIA: Blood, Silk, and Jade,), Michelle Lyons-McFarland (Chill, A Tragedy in Five Acts), and Sarah Richardson (Bluebeard’s Bride, Velvet Glove) as they discuss how diverse viewpoints bring new life to tired horror tropes. Topics may include feminine horror, setting the right tone, disrupting player assumptions, plus tips and tricks for running horror in trad, OSR, and story games. Make sure to bring questions of your own!
Saturday Mar 17, 2018
Episode 145 - Narrative Arcs in Boardgames
Saturday Mar 17, 2018
Saturday Mar 17, 2018
Recorded at Metatopia 2017
Presented by Roberta Taylor, Curt Covert.
Everyone loves a good story, whether it's in a book or on a screen, but what about memorable story in boardgames. What does story look like in a boardgame? How is story different from theme? How does the designer partner with players to tell a story? What are the limitations and where is the creative space wide open?
Saturday Dec 02, 2017
Episode 130 - It Won't Fit
Saturday Dec 02, 2017
Saturday Dec 02, 2017
Recorded at Metatopia 2016
Presented by Kenneth Hite, Jason Pitre, Marissa Kelly, Fred Hicks.
When designing a game, the temptation is to use another tested rules set: Fate, PbtA, HERO, BRP, OSR, or what have you. When shouldn't you do that? What demands special treatment, and when should you make it yourself?
Sunday Sep 03, 2017
Episode 120 – Game Master Mechanics
Sunday Sep 03, 2017
Sunday Sep 03, 2017
Game Master Mechanics
Recorded at Metatopia 2016
Presented by Vincent Baker and and Jason Pitre.
Role playing games have a long history of providing detailed rules on how players may act in the fiction. Very few games provide explicit direction and purposefully designed tools to constrain GMs. Let’s talk about the various approaches, from Fronts, to Countdown Clocks, Doom Pools, and more. Where can GM mechanics change design?
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Saturday Jul 15, 2017
Episode 119 – Powered by the Apocalypse
Saturday Jul 15, 2017
Saturday Jul 15, 2017
Powered by the Apocalypse: Using Apocalypse World to Outline and Draft Your Own RPG
Special episode, recorded online.
Presented by Meguey Baker, Vincent Baker, and Jason Pitre.
Apocalypse World offers a powerful, flexible framework you can use to outline, draft, and potentially finish your own role playing games. Dozens of creators, both experienced designers and first-timers, have used it with great success, and you can too. It’s not a game system, it’s an easy approach to game system design, a reliable way to get your creative vision quickly into a playable form. In this episode, we discuss apocalypse World’s philosophy and foundation, describe the fit and purpose of each of its systems, and point out fruitful ways to build on them, contradict them, repurpose them, subvert them, and go far beyond them.
A copy of the presentation that goes along with the episode is Available Here.
This panel was originally presented at Metatopia 2016, but technical problems at the audio meant that we had to re-record the discussion. It’s an excellent one though, where we discuss issues of the structure behind apocalypse, where the heavy design work needs to happen, the decision points on move construction, and how consent/power fit into the context of the framework.
Enjoy and share this episode freely!
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Saturday Jun 17, 2017
Episode 115 – Sex in Games
Saturday Jun 17, 2017
Saturday Jun 17, 2017
Sex in Games
Recorded at Breakout Con 2017
Presented by Moyra Turkington, Jacqueline Bryk, Alex Roberts, and moderator Emily Griggs.
From the Ramayana to Romeo and Juliet, love and passion are at the heart of some of the most timeless stories ever told. So, how do we explore these themes in roleplaying games? How do we as players and GMs help each other have fun and stay safe? What systems bring sex and romance to the forefront? What’s that thing larpers are doing with their hands? Your panelists will answer all these questions, and many more.
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Saturday Apr 22, 2017
Episode 110 – Converting Between Systems
Saturday Apr 22, 2017
Saturday Apr 22, 2017
Game to Game: Converting Between Systems
Recorded at Metatopia 2015
Presented by John Adamus and Paul Stefko
If you play more than one RPG, you will eventually want to use material from one system in another. Or maybe your favorite game has been updated to a new awesome edition, but you want to keep using your old books too. What should you keep in mind when converting RPG rules and adventures from one game to another? How much (or how little) work do you need to do?
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Saturday Jan 14, 2017
Episode 105 – Cultural Mechanics
Saturday Jan 14, 2017
Saturday Jan 14, 2017
Cultural Mechanics
Recorded at Metatopia 2015
Presented by Jason Pitre, Julia Ellingboe, and Mark Diaz Truman.
Games are part of our cultures, and the rules we create reflect our own backgrounds. In this roundtable, we explore how mechanics can reflect and/or interrogate culture. How can mechanics explore other people’s experiences? What assumptions do we bring to the game-design table?
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Sunday Sep 18, 2016
Episode 95 – Gearheads
Sunday Sep 18, 2016
Sunday Sep 18, 2016
Gearheads: Clever RPG Mechanics
Recorded at Gencon 2016
Presented by Jason Pitre, and Emily Care Boss
Roleplaying game design is a hotbed of innovation, and this panel is a place to talk about some of the latest and greatest mechanics for games. We will talk about fronts, countdown clocks, gm-less play, advantage, and other mechanics to sink your teeth into.
Links and Games!
- Romance Trilogy, including Breaking the Ice, Shooting the Moon, and Under my Skin, by Emily Care Boss (http://www.blackgreengames.com/lcn/2016/7/24/romance-trilogy)
- Indie Groundbreaker Awards (http://www.igdnonline.com/indie-groundbreaker-awards-winners/ )
- 14 Days, by Hannah Shaffer (http://makebigthings.com/14-days-a-game-about-life-with-migraines/ )
- 183 Days, by James Stuart and Sara Williamson (http://www.drivethrucards.com/product/144510/183-Days)
- Fall of Magic, by Ross Cowman (http://heartofthedeernicorn.com/product/fall-of-magic-scroll-edition/ )
- 10 Candles, by Stephen Dewey (http://cavalrygames.com/)
- Dread, by Epidiah Ravachol (https://dreadthegame.wordpress.com/about-dread-the-game/)
- The The Dread Geas Of Duke Vulku by Epidiah Ravachol (http://www.worldswithoutmaster.com/the-dread-geas-of-duke-vulku/ )
- Microscope and Kingdom by Ben Robbins (http://www.lamemage.com/)
- Downfall, by Caroline Hobbs (https://lessthanthreegames.com/downfall/)
- Usagi Yojimbo, by Sanguine Productions (http://drivethrurpg.com/product/50310/USAGI-YOJIMBO-ROLEPLAYING-GAME-Legacy)
- Blood Red Sands, by Ralph Mazza (http://www.galileogames.com/blood-red-sands/)
- Burning Wheel, by Luke Crane (https://www.burningwheel.com/)
- Apocalypse World, by Meguey and Vincent Baker (http://apocalypse-world.com/)
- Dungeon World, by Sage Latorra and Adam Koebel (http://www.dungeon-world.com/)
- Montseigeur 1244, by Frederik J. Jensen (http://thoughtfulgames.com/montsegur1244/ )
- Epyllion, by Marissa Kelly (http://www.magpiegames.com/epyllion/
- Posthuman Pathways, by Jason Pitre (http://www.genesisoflegend.com/product/posthuman-pathways/)
- Play with Intent, by Emily Care Boss and Matthijs Holter (https://playwithintent.wordpress.com/)
- Nightwitches by Jason Morningstar (http://bullypulpitgames.com/)
- The Warren by Marshall Miller (http://bullypulpitgames.com/)
- Monsterhearts, by Avery Alder (http://buriedwithoutceremony.com/monsterhearts/)
- Sagas of the Icelanders, by Gregor Vulga (http://www.indiepressrevolution.com/xcart/product.php?productid=19311&page=1)
- Headspace, by Mark Richardson (http://www.greenhatdesigns.com/?project=head-space)
- Dream Askew, by Avery Alder (http://buriedwithoutceremony.com/dream-askew/ )
- The Quiet Year, by Avery Alder (http://buriedwithoutceremony.com/the-quiet-year/ )
- Steal Away Jordan, by Julia Ellingboe (http://www.lulu.com/shop/julia-bond-ellingboe/steal-away-jordan/ebook/product-17470217.html )
- Blades in the Dark, by John Harper (http://www.onesevendesign.com/ and http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/170689/Blades-in-the-Dark-Digital-Edition-Early-Access )
- Swords without Master, by Epidiah Ravachol (http://www.worldswithoutmaster.com )
- Mars Colony, by Tim Koppang http://www.tckroleplaying.com/marscolony/
- Misericorde, by Emily Care Boss (http://www.blackgreengames.com/shop/misericorde-pdf)
- Fools Journey, by Stentor Danielson (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/154421/The-Fools-Journey)
- Spark Roleplaying Game, Jason Pitre (http://www.genesisoflegend.com/product/spark/)
- Bubblegumshoe, Evil Hat Productions (http://www.evilhat.com/home/)
- Seven Wonders, by Pelgrane Press (http://site.pelgranepress.com/index.php/seven-wonders-a-story-games-anthology-2/)
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Saturday Jul 30, 2016
Episode 89 – Game Mechanics as Social Engineering
Saturday Jul 30, 2016
Saturday Jul 30, 2016
Game Mechanics as Social Engineering & Social Engineering as Game Design
Recorded at Metatopia 2015
Presented by Jason Morningstar & John Stavropoulos.
Can a game’s mechanics influence player behavior? Evidence – from XP-grubbing to sophisticated and subtle systems for using player agency to adjust real-world habits – suggests it can. Join Jason Morningstar and John Stavropoulos for a stimulating and perhaps surprising discussion on this topic. Bring your own examples to share!
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Friday Jul 01, 2016
Episode 85: Repurposing Mechanics
Friday Jul 01, 2016
Friday Jul 01, 2016
Recycle! Using Material From Other Games Ethically and Effectively
Recorded at Metatopia 2015
Presented by Justin Jacobson, Cam Banks, Jeff Tidball & Andre La Roche.
At one time or another, every designer gains inspiration from existing works. Whether it’s snagging a single mechanic or repurposing an entire game with one crucial tweak. What are some tricks for finding that inspiration and using it in interesting ways? What are the ethical and legal considerations when using material? When does inspiration cross the line into plagiarism or, worse, infringement? What sort of attribution should you use?
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Friday Jun 24, 2016
Episode 84: Patterns and Shapes in Larp Design
Friday Jun 24, 2016
Friday Jun 24, 2016
Patterns and Shapes in Larp Design
Recorded at Metatopia 2015
Presented by J Li and Jason Morningstar
From spatial layout to information management, this workshop lays out some of the architectural and psychological principles behind LARP design as craft. What’s the difference between a three person conversation and a four person conversation? What does time pressure do to plot? How do you change the outcome of a game by placing chairs? Join us in exploring the fascinating complexity of building stories out of spontaneous human behavior, and playing with the tools we can use to shape it.
Associated information is available at larppatterns.org
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Monday Jan 18, 2016
Episode 73 – Opacity and Transparency
Monday Jan 18, 2016
Monday Jan 18, 2016
Opacity, Transparency, and Player Incentives in Your Strategy Board Game
Recorded at Metatopia 2014
Presented by Gil Hova
Do people understand what’s going on in your game? Not just the rules, but can they tell who’s winning? If they should watch out for a dangerous player? If they know exactly how their move will impact their next few turns? Join designer Gil Hova as he discusses transparency and opacity in strategy board games. We will discuss what makes a game mechanism transparent or opaque, how they work (or fail) in existing games, and how to use them to incentivize players to make interesting plays.
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Saturday Nov 28, 2015
Episode 71 – Explicit vs Role-Based Knowledge
Saturday Nov 28, 2015
Saturday Nov 28, 2015
Explicit vs Role-Based Knowledge
Recorded at Metatopia 2014
Presented by Clark Valentine, Shane Harsch and Evan Torner.
This seminar poses the question of whether it is possible to support a detailed, knowledge-rich environment for an RPG without creating a situation where the character that should know how to do something actually does not. Where is the balance between detail and role?
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Saturday Feb 07, 2015
Episode 46 – Least System Necessary
Saturday Feb 07, 2015
Saturday Feb 07, 2015
Least System Necessary
Recorded at Metatopia 2014
Presented by Cam Banks, Rob Donoghue, Clark Valentine & Stephen Hood.
How much system does your game *need*? We’ll be examining very minimal systems like Risus, CORE, Amber DRPG and so on as a starting point for design, always coming back to the question of whether you are adding things to your system because it need it, or because you’re “Supposed To”.
Minimal Game system references to:
Saturday Jan 31, 2015
Episode 45 – Icons and Anchors
Saturday Jan 31, 2015
Saturday Jan 31, 2015
Icons and Anchors
Recorded at Metatopia 2013
Presented by Rob Donoghue & Jason Pitre.
Icons and anchors are fascinating pieces of RPG design technology, establishing people and organizations within settings that are strongly tied to player characters and to each other. Let’s talk about how these can be effectively used in your own game designs.
References include:
1) My own summary of the mechanic: Examining Icons in Design
2) Rob’s ample blog discussion: [1][2][3] [4] [5] [6].
3) Chris Chin’s discussion of Keys, in the other excellent article.
4) And the economic devastation of the Identify skill over at Project Multiplexer
Sunday Dec 14, 2014
Episode 40 – Hacking Apocalypse World
Sunday Dec 14, 2014
Sunday Dec 14, 2014
Hacking Apocalypse World
Recorded at Metatopia 2014
Presented by Vincent Baker, Misha Bushyager, Marissa Kelly, Mark Richardson & Mark Diaz Truman.
Learn about the Apocalypse World engine and why it has become popular amongst indie designers. This will be a panel of veteran *World players and *World game designers, including the designer of Apocalypse World!
Sunday Dec 07, 2014
Episode 39 – Dungeons and Dragons Fifth Edition Analysis
Sunday Dec 07, 2014
Sunday Dec 07, 2014
Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition Analysis
Presented by Rob Donoghue & Jason Pitre.
So, the fifth edition of Dungeons & Dragons is out. Now it’s time to dig into the design and talk about the rules, procedures and advice that the game brings to the RPG design field. Let’s look at the crunchy bits! The companion reference to this discussion can be found on Rob Donoghue’s blog, where he discusses the Starter Set, the Player’s Handbook and the Monster Manual in detail.
Sunday Aug 31, 2014
Episode 35 – Dangerous Mechanics
Sunday Aug 31, 2014
Sunday Aug 31, 2014
“Dangerous Mechanics”
Presented by Jason Pitre, Kenneth Hite, Rob Donoghue & Will Hindmarch.
The panelists will deal with mechanics that look good on the surface but can have unforeseen negative consequences in play. Spending XP, no-effect rules, dice-generated currency – all have hidden dangers. Explore these and other light bulbs that didn’t quite work out..