
Saturday Apr 25, 2020
Episode 255 - Publish your own Games!
Saturday Apr 25, 2020
Saturday Apr 25, 2020
Recorded at Metatopia 2019
Presented by Meguey Baker & Jason Pitre.
Publishing your game doesn't need to be daunting. There's work involved, but with a diverse tool box and a clear understanding of your publishing goals, publishing might be more attainable than you imagine.

Saturday Apr 18, 2020
Episode 254 - Science in RPGs and Larps
Saturday Apr 18, 2020
Saturday Apr 18, 2020
Recorded at Metatopia 2019
Presented by Mary Georgescu, Sharang Biswas, Brianna Shuttleworth.
Can we get nitty gritty with players and talk about science? Can we as designers build science into our games in fun ways that do not lend themselves to sci- fiction but a truer representation and reflection of our current or past understandings of the way our universe, our earth works? We will be talking about how we designed Starry Messenger, The Moon Stares at Us in Shame, and Magischola with science in mind and their usage and representations of science.

Saturday Apr 11, 2020
Episode 253 - Holding Space for Teens
Saturday Apr 11, 2020
Saturday Apr 11, 2020
Recorded at Metatopia 2019
Presented by Meguey Baker, Caleb Stokes, Clark Valentine, Edward LaValley.
Teenagers bring innovation, creativity and hard questions to the game table. Our panelists will talk about how to hold space for everything that makes gaming with them magical.

Saturday Apr 04, 2020
Episode 252 - A Dive into the Theory of RPGs as a Communications Medium
Saturday Apr 04, 2020
Saturday Apr 04, 2020
Recorded at Metatopia 2019
Presented by Christopher O'Neill, Adriel Wilson, Cat Tobin, Misha Bushyager.
Role playing as a HOBBY continues to evolve and mature. Has role-playing now gotten big enough to be considered a MEDIUM? Join us for a lively and passionate discussion on the concept that role-playing has become more than just games, but a medium - a channel for communication, information, and entertainment. In this panel, we will look at whether role-playing is a medium, and if so, what that means for our hobby. The panelists all represent different aspects of designing and publishing role playing games and bring diverse and interesting points of view around the topic.

Saturday Mar 28, 2020
Episode 251 - Creating Mysteries in RPGs
Saturday Mar 28, 2020
Saturday Mar 28, 2020
Recorded at Metatopia 2019
Presented by Kenneth Hite, Betsy Rosenblatt, Darren Watts.
Mysteries are among the hardest genres to run successfully in tabletop games. How can designers structure stories to meaningfully involve players, guide them to clues and help them put them together to solve a crime without spoonfeeding them? How can GMs control pacing to duplicate the feel of classic whodunits?

Saturday Mar 21, 2020
Episode 250 - Integrating World Building in Traditional RPGs
Saturday Mar 21, 2020
Saturday Mar 21, 2020
Recorded at Metatopia 2019
Presented by Ryan O'Grady, Kenneth Hite, Brennan Taylor.
There's something satisfying about taking ownership of a piece of the world as a player and watching it flourish (or not). There have been various approaches to this over the years (Ars Magica, MIcroscope, The Quiet Year, even D&D!) Let's discuss what player involvement of world building really means and different approaches for incorporating it into traditional RPGs.

Saturday Mar 14, 2020
Episode 249 - Insights Forged in the Dark
Saturday Mar 14, 2020
Saturday Mar 14, 2020
Recorded at Metatopia 2019
Presented by Stras Acimovic, John LeBoeuf-Little.
Blades in the Dark has led to a new generation of game designs such as Scum and Villainy, Band of Blades, and Mutants in the Night. In this panel, we dig into the toolset and what sets it apart from similar design traditions. What are the core principles behind designing games Forged in the Dark? Where can we grow and diverge from the core?

Saturday Mar 07, 2020
Episode 248 - Time is of the Essence: Countdowns and Clocks in Games
Saturday Mar 07, 2020
Saturday Mar 07, 2020
Recorded at Metatopia 2019
Presented by Darren Watts, Stephen Dewey, Paul Stefko.
There are many different mechanics for tracking time and progress in games, and our panel speakers will explore all of them in depth. From countdown clocks and stress tracks, to flickering candles and Jenga towers, there's a lot to explore in this family of mechanics.

Saturday Feb 29, 2020
Episode 247 - How to Start a Business as a Game Designer
Saturday Feb 29, 2020
Saturday Feb 29, 2020
Recorded at Metatopia 2019
Presented by Emily Escovar, Chris O'Neill.
Our panelists will walk you through the basics of turning your game design hobby into a business. We'll talk about the most cost-efficient ways to register an LLC, open a business bank account, file a trademark and keep track of your expenses for tax season.

Saturday Feb 22, 2020
Episode 246 - Making Good Financial Decisions as a Game Designer
Saturday Feb 22, 2020
Saturday Feb 22, 2020
Recorded at Metatopia 2019
Presented by Heather O'Neill, Tim Rodriguez, Jennifer Graham-Macht.
You are an individual using your hard earned money to invest in your game project. Do you self-publish, Kickstart or attend that convention? You are an indie tabletop company, so you have some budget to work with. What's your next project? Which big conventions do you attend? We will address costs specific to the tabletop gaming industry (self-publishing, Kickstarter, conventions, marketing, etc.) and ways to make decisions on what will benefit you or your company.

Saturday Feb 15, 2020
Episode 245 - Selling Games into Mass vs. Specialty Retail
Saturday Feb 15, 2020
Saturday Feb 15, 2020
Recorded at Metatopia 2019
Presented by Brian Turtle, Peter Hayward, Avonelle Wing.
I fell into games almost by accident back in 1994 when some friends and I created a game called "The Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon". We started Endless Games shortly thereafter and the game found a home in the mass market before we knew it. In the 20+ years since, we've been navigating the toy industry and gaming landscape in both mass and specialty. That said, the hobby side of the industry is still somewhat uncharted territory for us. Join us for a discussion of the differences between mass market and hobby sales and what works where.

Saturday Feb 08, 2020
Episode 244 - Creating Safety Tools
Saturday Feb 08, 2020
Saturday Feb 08, 2020
Recorded at Metatopia 2019
Presented by Kate Bullock, Camdon Wright, Bronwyn Sperling.
Want to learn how to create safety tools that fit your game and are baked into the mechanics instead of just adding pre-established tools on top? This panel dives into the creative and mechanical process of understanding safety and support and integrating it into your ttrpg designs.

Saturday Feb 01, 2020
Episode 243 - Responsible Research
Saturday Feb 01, 2020
Saturday Feb 01, 2020
Recorded at Metatopia 2019
Presented by Jason Pitre, Misha Bushyager, James Mendez Hodes.
Some of the best games deal with heavy topics and challenging subject matter. Creators who look to design or publish games addressing sensitive subject matter need to do due diligence to reduce the chance their work could do harm. In this panel, we will discuss how creators can ethically do the legwork and research to tackle issues of race, sexuality, identity, and trauma.

Saturday Jan 25, 2020
Episode 242 - On Failure
Saturday Jan 25, 2020
Saturday Jan 25, 2020
Recorded at Metatopia 2019
Presented by Jason Morningstar, Jacqueline Bryk and Alastor Guzman.
Failure is baked into any creative discipline, but we rarely discuss it. In this panel we'll discuss our most noteworthy failures and the role failure plays in our process. The goal is to normalize failure and to learn from the occasionally dramatic mistakes of others. It may be funny, it may be sad, but it will definitely be interesting.

Saturday Jan 18, 2020
Episode 241 - Nostalgia as a Genre
Saturday Jan 18, 2020
Saturday Jan 18, 2020
Recorded at Metatopia 2019
Presented by Shoshanna Kessock, Brian Neff, Doug Levandowski, and Sean Jaffe.
Echoes of the late 20th century are all around us in 2019, especially in pop culture and media. Stranger Things, IT, and Bandersnatch have tapped into a rich vein of nostalgia that has entranced audience and permeated our time. Gaming, especially tabletop gaming, has been depicted as a vital part of 80s culture. In return, game creators are tapping into both the renewed interest in the hobby, and the evocation of nostalgia for this time period. In this panel we'll be exploring this recursive relationship with creators from Kids on Bikes and Rememorex. We’ll talk role playing and nostalgia, how to evoke an authentic sense of a time period, and what has drawn us as creators back to the past.

Saturday Jan 11, 2020
Episode 240 - Distribution and Fulfillment
Saturday Jan 11, 2020
Saturday Jan 11, 2020
Recorded at Metatopia 2019
Presented by Jason Walters, Mark Diaz Truman, Brennan Taylor, and Christopher Tang.
Distribution And Fulfillment presented by Jason Walters, Mark Diaz Truman, Brennan Tylor, Christopher Tang. The ways to get your game into the hands of players are always shifting, but our experts can walk you through the three-tier system and the various alternatives to it.

Saturday Jan 04, 2020
Episode 239 - Honing your Game Pitch
Saturday Jan 04, 2020
Saturday Jan 04, 2020
Recorded at Metatopia 2018
Presented by Jim McClure, Kenneth Hite, Cat Tobin.
This panel is designed to help you establish the best way to present your game to consumers. From Elevator pitches, to focus points, to mechanical highlights, we will cover what is most important in getting people to buy into your game. Attendees should be prepared to discuss their game project as part of a group, and have an elevator pitch pre-prepared. The panelists will then help each individual attendee to hone their presentation.

Saturday Dec 28, 2019
Episode 238 - Xenobiology and Speculative Zoology
Saturday Dec 28, 2019
Saturday Dec 28, 2019
Recorded at Metatopia 2018
Presented by Jason Pitre, Rob Donoghue, Darren Watts and Joshua A.C. Newman.
Alien Worlds - Xenobiology and Speculative Zoology. Fictional alien biology and ecosystems are fascinating. From the implied phylogeny of James Cameron's Avatar to the Alien's Xenomorphs, exploration of alien biology is a fascinating topic worth exploring for your science fiction, post-apocalyptic or even fantasy roleplaying games. On this panel, we will discuss the principles of speculative zoology and artificial ecosystems from xenophillic perspective.

Saturday Dec 21, 2019
Episode 237 - The Transitive Power of Myth
Saturday Dec 21, 2019
Saturday Dec 21, 2019
Recorded at Metatopia 2018
In this year's installment of "Ken Thinks About Stuff Out Loud", I look at the structural patterns of mythology. Are there actually structures of myth, and if there aren't, can we pretend there are? How can we take real-world myths and make them game material? How can we translate one myth system (that of the "standard fantasy world" for example) into another (e.g., Greek mythology)? And how can we translate any of it into dice, numbers, and heroic player character stories?

Saturday Dec 14, 2019
Episode 236 - Games And Education
Saturday Dec 14, 2019
Saturday Dec 14, 2019
Recorded at Metatopia 2018
Presented by Jennifer Gutterman, Maury Brown, Shoshana Kessock.
At every milestone in our lives, we have used games or game mechanics to entice learning, reward progress in development, train for work or career preparation or use games for entertainment and relaxation. This panel will discuss how games are used in education, in teaching, and applied to game design education specifically but also in general application to training as a whole.

Saturday Dec 07, 2019
Episode 235 - Designing RPGs With Safety Tools Included
Saturday Dec 07, 2019
Saturday Dec 07, 2019
Recorded at Metatopia 2018
Presented by Philip Vecchione, Senda Linaugh and Alex Roberts.
Let's talk about integrating safety tools into your design process from the foundation. Yes, the x-card is valuable. Let's talk about design that builds the next generation of tools in from the beginning

Saturday Nov 30, 2019
Episode 234 - Planning a Kickstarter? What You Need to Know!
Saturday Nov 30, 2019
Saturday Nov 30, 2019
Recorded at Metatopia 2018
Presented by Juliet Meyer, Raymond Bruels, Chandler Copenhaver.
Kickstarter can be amazing for creators, but there's a lot of other things around them that will help you find success. Learn how to market and plan for a Kickstarter, and what five things you should have in place long before the launch.

Saturday Nov 23, 2019
Episode 233 - Deconstructing Religion in your Games
Saturday Nov 23, 2019
Saturday Nov 23, 2019
Recorded at Metatopia 2018
Presented by Shoshana Kessock, James Mendez Hodes.
Religion has held sway across the world in various forms, and its influence has molded everything from how we live our everyday lives to the laws we make and the entertainment we consume. We will take a look at how real world religious ideologies have impacted the games we create, how they influence the worlds we build, and how we might deconstruct those ideas to approach our games from a different perspective. Specific care will be taken to contrast western ideologies from across the world.

Saturday Nov 16, 2019
Episode 232 - Making Your (Alt-)Historical Setting More Inclusive
Saturday Nov 16, 2019
Saturday Nov 16, 2019
Recorded at Metatopia 2018
Presented by Eric Simon, Shoshana Kessock.
History is more diverse than we think. Whether you're developing settings that are close to real history or highly speculative alt-history, there's always room to expand representation by highlighting real people and experiences. Let's research together in this interactive workshop!

Saturday Nov 09, 2019
Episode 231 - Now What? - Finishing Games
Saturday Nov 09, 2019
Saturday Nov 09, 2019
Recorded at Metatopia 2018
Presented by Steve Segedy, Christopher Badell, Mark Richardson, and Cat Tobin.
Once you've created a game, what are your options for getting it out into the world? Come ask questions and find out about printing, distribution, and fulfillment options for independent designers and small publishers. We could also include discussion of Kickstarter, BackerKit, contracts, licensing, etc.