
Saturday Sep 09, 2023
Episode 355: Math Essentials for Designers
Saturday Sep 09, 2023
Saturday Sep 09, 2023
Recorded at Metatopia Online 2021
Presented by Jason Pitre, BJ Recio, Mags Maenad.
Math is often a barrier for analog game designers of all disciplines. This panel is meant to help lower that barrier by teaching you some basic, versatile tools you can use to solve most problems. How do you figure out probabilities of success when rolling dice or drawing cards? What is a bell curve, a mean and a median? How do you figure out combinations and permutation? We are here to give you the tools to thrive.

Saturday Aug 26, 2023
Saturday Aug 26, 2023
Recorded at Metatopia Online 2021
Presented by Menachem Cohen, Ryan Cagle.
Because of the fictional distance between player and character, TTRPGs, even D&D, can be designed and used to facilitate spiritual growth, exploration, and healing. Mechanics, role play, and setting/story also factor into this and GMed, GMful/less, and solo games work in this context. Panelists will discuss how they have designed and used games for spiritual discovery and address theoretical underpinnings of why it works, such as bleed and alibi. There will be time for questions.

Saturday Aug 12, 2023
Episode 353: Bad Design Habits We Love
Saturday Aug 12, 2023
Saturday Aug 12, 2023
Recorded at Metatopia Online 2021
Presented by Jason Morningstar, Tim Hutchings, Jeeyon Shim.
Join us for a rollicking discussion of our worst habits and how being lazy, careless and hard-headed is often the best possible approach to game design. Do you design in layout? Is your playtest process a little shambolic? Do you cut corners and assume the math will all work out? If not, come and be outraged as we take a somewhat jaded approach to conventional wisdom you've heard a thousand times.

Saturday Jul 29, 2023
Episode 352: Problematic and Taboo Topics
Saturday Jul 29, 2023
Saturday Jul 29, 2023
Recorded at Metatopia Online 2021
Presented by Anne Ratchat, Jason Morningstar, and regrets from James Mendez Hodes.
When writing games, a lot of topics are taboo simply because as a community, we are worried how people might take the intentionality of the design to the worst possible places. The issue created by not writing these games, we erase the experience of so many creatives and players who also deserve to have their voices heard. We will be discussing the thought process of how to tackle these controversial topics so that games can be a place for all experiences.

Saturday Jul 15, 2023
Episode 351: Secrets and Powers Larps
Saturday Jul 15, 2023
Saturday Jul 15, 2023
Recorded at Metatopia Online 2021
Presented by Olivia Montoya, Acata Felton.
In some circles, Secrets and Powers LARPs are dismissed as outdated or "too obscure." Our panelists flatly reject this mindset, and invite you to join them for a discussion about what Secrets and Powers games have to offer. Come learn more about this specific type of LARP, which has a focus on pre-written characters, hidden information and roles, and ability mechanics. Learn about why secrets and powers games are cool, get a crash course on how to write and GM them in the modern day, and consider how to make a better future for communities that run them.

Saturday Jul 01, 2023
Episode 350: Shipping is on FIRE
Saturday Jul 01, 2023
Saturday Jul 01, 2023
Recorded at Metatopia Online 2021
Presented by Mel D'Amato
Anyone who makes or sells consumer goods has been watching the news about shipping and logistics in horror. The cost of freight is up. There are no shipping containers to put goods into. Products are sitting on docks in Asia. Full ships can't get to port to unload on this side of the ocean. Our expert, Mel D'Amato from ShipBob, talks to us about what's going on, why everything is terrible, and what we can expect over the next several months.

Saturday Jun 17, 2023
Episode 349: The Many Meanings of Diceless
Saturday Jun 17, 2023
Saturday Jun 17, 2023
Recorded at Metatopia Online 2021
Presented by Jon Lemich, Chance Feldstein, Alex White.
There are many diceless RPGs, but their mechanics and design objectives vary more than most designers realize. What do you need to consider when designing a diceless RPG? Do you simply want to replace dice with cards or hidden information wagers, or do you want it to be randomizerless, gameless, or pure collaborative authorship?

Sunday Apr 30, 2023
Episode 348: Pass-Fail vs Open-Ended Play
Sunday Apr 30, 2023
Sunday Apr 30, 2023
Recorded at Metatopia Online 2021
Presented by Joan Moriarity, Darren Watts, Beth Rimmels.
Which is better, a game that concludes when somebody wins, or a game that concludes when the story is deemed to be complete? It's a trick question, obviously; both styles have their benefits and drawbacks, but what are those exactly? Why do certain kinds of players tend to gravitate toward one or the other? What can devotees of one type gain from playing the other, and how can we make it more enjoyable to cross that divide?

Saturday Apr 15, 2023
Episode 347: Reading Contract Boilerplate
Saturday Apr 15, 2023
Saturday Apr 15, 2023
Recorded at Metatopia 2021
Presented by Eric Whalen.
Lawyers secretly know that you do not read the big chunks of standardized text in your contract that have nothing to do with your obligations and how much you are getting paid / paying (called "boilerplate" text). Worse - many lawyers forget to read the boilerplate in their own contracts! Whether you love or hate these reader-unfriendly text walls, join the panelist as he reminds us to intellectually grapple with the important provisions everyone has likely agreed to, but may never have read or fully understood until now. Chatters will be encouraged to link their own boilerplate samples so that panelists may demonstrate how to dissect organic boilerplate specimen live.

Saturday Apr 01, 2023
Episode 346: RPGs Without Obvious Combat Mechanics
Saturday Apr 01, 2023
Saturday Apr 01, 2023
Recorded at Metatopia Online 2021
Presented by Moe Poplar, Michael Low, J Gurantz.
Now kids, stop fighting! RPGs are intensely emotionally engaging, deeply moving experiences - and they're fun! Much attention has been paid, recently, to their application in therapy, helping people navigate complex emotional change. This creates a question - how does the violence often built into the system - and setting - of an RPG affect players, and how can we create games where tension, drama, and struggle don't have to be wedded to destruction?

Saturday Mar 04, 2023
Episode 345: Making Trash Games for Love
Saturday Mar 04, 2023
Saturday Mar 04, 2023
Recorded at Metatopia Online 2021
Presented by presented by Jack Rosetree, Olivia Montoya, Taylor LaBresh.
Perfection is a toxic concept. The pressure to make our games elegant, innovative, replayable, marketable, pitchable, attractive, and trendy can be exhausting. Don't be afraid to make ugly, unmarketable, uncomfortable, or downright bad games. Making trash is liberating, exhilarating, and cathartic. Full Slide Deck at https://tinyurl.com/htnw669s

Saturday Feb 18, 2023
Episode 344: International Co-Publishing Agreements
Saturday Feb 18, 2023
Saturday Feb 18, 2023
Recorded at Metatopia 2021
Presented by Jason Pitre, Rae Nedjadi and Sean Nittner with regrets from Jay Dragon.
Countless brilliant analog game designers are creating innovative games around the world. Unfortunately, creatives from many countries face harsh barriers in terms of crowdfunding access, banking regulations, shipping challenges, or other factors. That is why international co-publishing agreements have come on the scene. In this panel, Filipino Designer/Publisher Jamila Nedjadi joins North American publishing partners to discuss the different business models that have worked for them.

Sunday Feb 05, 2023
Episode 343: Printing and Shipping Where You Are
Sunday Feb 05, 2023
Sunday Feb 05, 2023
Recorded at Metatopia Online 2021
Presented by Jonathan Lavallee, Alastor Guzman, Moe Poplar.
Do You Want to Build a Snowman? Printing and Publishing Where You Are. In this panel we'll be looking at the current state of printing and publishing RPGs from Canada, the US, Europe, and Mexico. Where are there new opportunities for small publishers to produce physical books without breaking the bank?

Tuesday Jan 17, 2023
Episode 342: Details for the Devil
Tuesday Jan 17, 2023
Tuesday Jan 17, 2023
Recorded at Metatopia Online 2021
Presented by Richard Ruane, Pam Punzalan, Brian Yaksha, Zedeck Siew.
In METATOPIA 2020's "Devil in the Details" panel, we explored microsettings; settings that focus closely on a specific area, region, or location. This year, we'll discuss how microsettings challenge traditional assumptions about game mechanics, focusing on character creation, magic, technology, and GM procedures. How can the concrete specificity of microsettings open up other design opportunities beyond just the setting details?

Saturday Dec 03, 2022
Episode 341: Questions as Mechanics
Saturday Dec 03, 2022
Saturday Dec 03, 2022
Recorded at Metatopia Online 2021
Presented by Thomas Manuel, Logan Timmins, Rae Nedjadi, Aaron Lim, momatoes.
Asking and answering questions seems really simple but at the same time, it's a powerful tool in the game design process. Watch a group of storygame designers talk about the role of questions in their games and how they can help you get the best out of play at the table.

Friday Nov 18, 2022
Episode 340: The Data is in, now what?
Friday Nov 18, 2022
Friday Nov 18, 2022
Recorded at Metatopia Online 2021
Presented by Tanya Pobuda, Sarah Stang, Erika Chung, Eric Lang.
We know where we stand - gaming, specifically analog gaming in this case, has a sexism and racism problem. We've proven that through our research. Now that we have the data to back up our lived experiences, what can we do to fix the problems?

Saturday Oct 22, 2022
Episode 339: Designing Rewarding Game Experiences
Saturday Oct 22, 2022
Saturday Oct 22, 2022
Recorded at Metatopia Online 2021
Presented by Beth Rimmels, Sen-Foong Lim, Gwendolyn Marshall.
As a GM or game designer, you can produce a rewarding or disappointing experience for players. Regardless of genre, game or goals, what your design focuses on and how it conveys that determines how it will be received. We'll discuss how to create satisfying experiences whether you're trying to scare players, create thought-provoking frustration, or make players feel like heroes

Monday Oct 10, 2022
Episode 338: Keepsake Games
Monday Oct 10, 2022
Monday Oct 10, 2022
Recorded at Metatopia Online 2021
Presented by Jason Cox, Shing Yin Khor, Jeeyon Shim.
Keepsake Games, Art, Education and Equity. Keepsake games, which generate material objects as a result of play, are a fascinating tool for classroom use. What if the experience of educational games was visually shaped by the students? How would this affect their engagement and retention of content? How can a game like this thrive in the quantitative systems that dominate education?

Saturday Sep 24, 2022
Episode 337: The Aether and Beyond
Saturday Sep 24, 2022
Saturday Sep 24, 2022
Recorded at Metatopia Online 2021
Presented by Richard Ruane, Diogo Nogueira, Sarah Blunt, Daniel Wilson and Noora Rose.
Cold, scary, empty, and filled with radiation, we all know the real void of outer space isn't a friendly place. But what opportunities do we get when we create settings in a different outer space, one we see in pulp novels, weird fiction, planetary romances, cosmic horror, and early tabletop games and supplements such as Spelljammer or Space 1999? What makes creating a space fantasy or weird space setting different from creating a classic fantasy or space opera? What themes can creators explore when we look at space in weird and fantastical ways?

Monday Sep 12, 2022
Episode 336: Selling Globally in an Evechanging World
Monday Sep 12, 2022
Monday Sep 12, 2022
Recorded at Metatopia Online 2021
Presented by Jordan Russell.
What is DDP? What is VAT? How can I expand my business Globally? If these are questions you have asked yourself then this session is for you. Come grab some knowledge with Jordan Russell (from ShipBob) on how to expand your business into different markets around the world. Becoming a global business isn't as scary as it seems.

Saturday Aug 27, 2022
Episode 335: Distribution in 2021
Saturday Aug 27, 2022
Saturday Aug 27, 2022
Recorded at Metatopia Online 2021
Presented by Scott Morris and Michael Parker.
Are you a designer and want to know how your game gets distributed? Are you self publishing and want to know more about Distribution? Are you crazy enough to actually ask a Distributor anything? Join us as Scott Morris from GTS and Michael Parker from ACD discuss the U.S.'s 3-Tier system and answer questions.

Saturday Aug 13, 2022
Episode 334: Gaming as Experiential Learning
Saturday Aug 13, 2022
Saturday Aug 13, 2022
Recorded at Metatopia 2021
Presented by Gabby Swab, John Harris, Ian Mercer.
Role Playing as Experiential Learning: How Dungeons & Dragons Assists in Teaching Management Concepts"
In Fall 2020, students across three universities participated in building a character based on their Ideal Entrepreneur, Human Resources Manager, or Leader. Using the format from the popular Dungeons and Dragons role-playing game, the students' chosen character used their characteristics, skills, and knowledge to perform in three different course-related scenarios. Students were then asked to reflect on their character, their decisions, and the subsequent outcomes. In this forum, we discuss the activity and the management topics (e.g., decision making, individual differences, resources) it allowed us to teach using games as experiential learning techniques.

Saturday Aug 06, 2022
Episode 333: Creatively Limited
Saturday Aug 06, 2022
Saturday Aug 06, 2022
Recorded at Metatopia Online 2021
Presented by Sen-Foong Lim, Paul Stefko, Moe Poplar and Quinn Murphy. Jonathan Lavallee was unable to attend for medical reasons.
Analysis paralysis exists in creativity! When we put up limits and restrictions, we find new ways to solve problems and be creative. This panel will talk about what works for them when putting up walls around their creative process.

Saturday Jun 25, 2022
Episode 332: Language Matters: Clear vs. Flavourful Terminology
Saturday Jun 25, 2022
Saturday Jun 25, 2022
Recorded at Metatopia Online 2021
Presented by Jonathan Lavallee, Sen-Foong Lim, Misha B.
It's always great and interesting to have cool terms for features in your game, but there are moments when that can get in the way of what you're trying to say. We'll be talking about the importance of, and balance between, clarity and flavor in your text.

Saturday Jun 11, 2022
Episode 331: Designing and Publishing with ADHD
Saturday Jun 11, 2022
Saturday Jun 11, 2022
Recorded at Metatopia Online 2021
Presented by Jay Dragon, Robert Donoghue, Rabbit Stoddard, Darla Burrow.
Game design and publishing are complex tasks at the best of times, and particularly so for those dealing with ADHD. Many creatives struggle with maintaining their attention and concentration on their design and publishing work. How do you track your accomplishments and keep track of what you need to do next? How do you manage multiple deadlines and juggling priorities? How can ADHD be harnessed to help you with your creative work? In this panel, four experienced designers will share their hard-won secrets